Problems that should be paid attention to when installing louver vents on building exterior walls


During the construction of ventilation and air-conditioning systems, there are often problems with the installation of some external wall louvers. In order to ensure the quality of the project and make the system achieve the expected purpose, the following problems should be paid attention to during the installation process.

1. It is not advisable to set air vents on the outer walls with pollution sources or obstacles nearby. If the obstacle is too close to the air outlet, it will affect the air intake or exhaust air, thereby increasing the resistance of the system, reducing the air volume of the system, and even forming a cycle of air intake and exhaust air. The exhaust vents in the floor should not be set in the atrium, otherwise the noise discharged from the exhaust vents will oscillate in the atrium and cause echoes.

2. Since the louver vents on the exterior walls are in direct contact with the outdoor environment and are often eroded by rain and snow, the prevention of these unfavorable factors should be considered during installation.

3. In order to avoid condensation caused by excessive indoor and outdoor temperature differences in cold seasons, it is necessary to carry out thermal insulation treatment on indoor air ducts within 2m from the louver vents on the outer walls. Taking into account the snow factor, the height of the tuyere on the outer wall must be higher than the thickest snow layer to prevent the tuyere from being blocked.

4. Regarding the selection of the outer wall air outlet, the wind speed through the air outlet should be no more than 4m/s in terms of area, and the wind speed at the air inlet should be no more than 3m/s; the model should be both beautiful and rainproof, and the effective area should be large enough The size of the air outlet is too small and the effective area is not enough, which will reduce the air volume of the system and increase the noise.

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